Promised Land Children's Home
The Promised Land Children's Home
In 2010, we started the Promised Land Children's Home for children who came from leprosy colonies.
Children who live at leprosy colonies in India dwell among the poorest of the poor on the face of the earth. Although they live among those with leprosy and are at higher risk, most never contract the disease. Even so, they are considered outcasts, facing a lifetime of total rejection as an "untouchable". They have no hope of ever having an education, a good job, or a bright future. Sometimes such children are kidnapped to be sold as slaves. Many girls are forced into prostitution at a young age, and boys become thieves or drug dealers to try to escape the poverty-filled life.
Independent Church in India's Promised Land Children's Home was established with the vision to provide a loving home to children whose parents or guardians are victims of leprosy and cannot care for them.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
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How Did ICII Start Promised Land Orphanage?
Constructed in 2010, the home is situated on eleven acres in the lush tropical farmland at the foot of the beautiful Sirumalai hills of Tamil Nadu. The facility was completely renovated in 2014, and it can now accommodate 25 children. With their living quarters, dining hall, playground, library, and recreation room inside the enclosed compound, the children can live, study, and play safely and comfortably.
By the grace of God, there are twenty-four beautiful children now living at the Promised Land whose young lives have been totally changed. Once they were hopeless and empty inside, suffering physically with hunger and poverty as well as emotionally with shame and rejection because of a disease they don't even have. But now, living and playing on the Promised Land, having their needs met and receiving the love they deserve, their eyes are bright and their hearts are joyful.
Support Our Orphanage Ministry
The children are supported through monthly financial commitments by caring sponsors around the world. Those who are sponsoring our children know how much the Lord has changed the children's lives and given them joy at the Promised Land!
Ways You Can Help
Help us reach out to orphans in the love of Jesus. Your donation will help to bring them the Gospel, discipleship, food, clothing, medical care, and much more! 100% of donations to this program will be used for our orphanage ministry.
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