Sponsor A Child
You Can Sponsor A Child Today
As an ICII child sponsor, you will experience the ways in which your support, prayers, and love bring a needy child hope for the future. Through your sponsorship, not only will your child be able to have things we take for granted, like hearty meals, clean clothing, and medical care if they are sick, but will also receive Christian love that they had never known before. Your sponsored child will be lovingly cared for, will learn God's Word, and be guided and encouraged to have a close personal relationship with Jesus. Because of your sponsorship, your child will realize there is a meaning and purpose for his or her life.
Children Who Need Sponsorship
You can give an orphan or a needy child a bright future!

Akila (age 14) lives in India.
Akila and her mother were bonded slaves on a banana plantation. The landlord was abusing Akila sexually. This man and her own mother were using Akila for prostitution to get money. She called a child helpline, and ICII’s team rescued her from them. Now she is at the Home of Compassion Orphanage waiting for sponsorship.

Ebinu (age 10) lives in India.
Ebinu was born to bonded slaves in a rice plantation. His father died from a snake bite. When his mother got sick and could no longer work, Ebinu was put to child labor in a local mechanic shop so that he get a little food to eat. Now, Ebinu is waiting for someone to sponsor him at the Home of Compassion Orphanage so he will have a good home and proper care.

Menachi (age 8) lives in India.
Both of Menachi’s parents committed suicide, and she was left alone until some relatives took her. She had to shepherd goats every day in the hot sun. Menachi lived in unrelenting poverty and the constant danger of being abused by the villagers until the team rescued her.
What Your Sponsorship Will Provide
100% of your gift will go to sponsor a child
- A Christ-centered home
- Love and tender care
- Clean and safe water
- Three healthy meals daily
- Medical care
- Personal needs
- And much more!
As little as $1 per day will change one of these beautiful children’s lives…
Isn't it worth such a small price?
If you wish to sponsor a child but would prefer an alternative payment method, you may set up automatic payments from your checking or savings account (email us for details), or sponsor by check or money order through postal mail (see below).

Support the Home of Compassion Orphanage in India
Our home for orphans and for needy children rescued from homelessness, forced labor, abuse, and other hardships. Your love gifts will help provide for all the children's needs, give them a loving, Christ-centered home, and an opportunity for a bright future.
Support the Home of Compassion Orphanage
Support the Promised Land Children's Home in India
This is our home for children who have parents with leprosy that cannot care for them. Many of these children were brought out of leprosy colonies. We need your help to provide healthy food, clothing, school materials, medical check-ups, and other needs for these children.
Support The Promised Land Children's Home
Support the New Life Orphanage in Pakistan
Help support our partner ministry's home in Pakistan for orphans and for needy children rescued from homelessness, forced labor, abuse, and other hardships. Your love gifts will help provide for all the children's needs, give them a loving, Christ-centered home, and an opportunity for a bright future.
Support the New Life Orphanage in Pakistan
Support Freedom and Truth Ministries' Provision for Orphans Projects
In Kenya, poor pastors who have dedicated their lives to preaching the Gospel and doing ministry have a huge responsibility of taking in orphans in their area whose parents have died due to AIDS. These pastors are already struggling to feed their own families, but out of love and compassion, they each take in orphans because there is no other place for these grieving children to go. You can help to provide food, medical, school expenses, clothing, and more for a pastor's family and the orphans he has taken responsibility for in Kenya.
Support Freedom And Truth for Orphans in Kenya
To donate by postal mail:
Please make checks or money orders out to: Independent Church In India or ICII
Please mark your gift with the name the child you prefer to sponsor.
If the child has already been sponsored, we will choose another for you. Please indicate whether you are giving a one-time donation or you want to begin a monthly sponsorship for your child.
Monthly sponsors will receive a packet containing a biography of your child, and you will be sent updates on your child's progress every year, personal letters, and opportunities to give special gifts to your child.
Please use this address:
Independent Church In India
P.O. Box 238
Fredericksburg, PA 17026
All gifts are 501c3 tax-deductible
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