Promised Land Leprosy Community
ICII's Promised Land Leprosy Community
Independent Church In India has its own leprosy community which leprosy victims once forsaken and homeless can call home. At the Promised Land Leprosy Community lives are being transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. Through sponsorships, ICII provides healthy food and water, medical needs, clothing, and much more.
ICII has long had a vision for reaching out to the homeless and desperate who are afflicted with leprosy. In 2007, the Lord provided the land where we established a residence for homeless leprosy victims.
Many of these victims had been tragically abandoned by their families and cast out into the streets or in other unpleasant situations because of their frightful disease. The sad reality is that many with leprosy are left alone to suffer and die in their terrible state, heartbroken, and emotionally shattered because they have no one to love or care for them.

Esther's Testimony
One woman with leprosy named Esther who attends the Promised Land Leprosy Community church, shared this life-giving testimony:
“I live at the Promised Land Leprosy Community. One morning, I woke up and my hand was totally swollen and in pain. I was so scared about this. Right away an ICII staff worker took me to the hospital. I was in the hospital all week and the doctor drained all the puss out of my hand until it returned to normal. The doctor told me if you had not come to the hospital right away this infection would have spread and we would have had to remove your hand, even the infection could have dangerously spread to your whole body. I am so thankful for those from ICII who have taken care of me and those who provided for my doctor fees. If I would still be alone in my village no one would have helped me and I would have surely suffered and died. I thank those who have helped me with millions and millions of thanks for saving my life!”
The Promised Land Leprosy Church
A church has been started called the Promised Land where leprosy victims in their own area can come and worship the Lord. Each week after the service a medical and food outreach is provided for the hungry and the hurting. This church is a place of worship where everyone is welcome to come and worship Jesus, and everyone is loved, including those afflicted by leprosy.
Lives Being Saved At Promised Land Leprosy Community
Through the love and support of Promised Land Leprosy Community sponsors, each week up to 100 or more leprosy friends attend the Promised Land Leprosy Church to worship the Lord. Many leprosy friends who regularly attend the church services are bringing new people they meet with leprosy. At these services, Jesus is giving new life to those who are broken and rejected. These people are feeling love like they have never experienced before through the liberating power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of them are sharing amazing testimonies how the Lord is working in and through their lives. Here are just a few:
One woman shared this; “Since I have been coming to church the Lord has been healing me of my wounds and covering me with his protection. Because I have leprosy, others are coming against me but the Lord is with me. The leprosy I am affected with has created many problems in my family. But since I have been praying with others here at the church, and they are also praying for me, the Lord is working things out in my family for good”.
Another woman with leprosy shared: “I had serious wounds in my leg. The doctor told me that I must have my leg taken off. I began to pray to the Lord to heal me. The next day a miracle happened and when I went to the doctor he gave me a good report and told me that he no longer has to remove my leg. Jesus has healed me!”
Kanigag shares; “I had a severe kidney problem and the ICII ministry helped me to get the operation that I needed. Also through the prayers, love and support all the shaking I had in my body has also gone away. I am feeling much better”.

Providing Medical Needs At The Promised Land Leprosy Community
ICII provides medical needs for those with leprosy coming to the services. Our purpose and goal is to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ while also providing better living conditions. Your support can impact and help provide much-needed medical supplies in these leprosy colonies.