Pappathi’s Testimony (Leprosy)

My name is Pappathi, I was born in a very remote village. We had four children in our family, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I am the youngest in the family. We are Dalits in the village, we work for the village because we are untouchable. We go to the village, clean the streets and cremate the dead bodies. Our whole family had to work. In the village people would pay us in food, so we could eat. My dad got very sick and he died, the following month my mom also got some sickness and died. No one ever got married in our family. My two elder brothers were affected with leprosy, still, they were working for the village doing the street cleaning. When I was fifteen years old I was also affected by leprosy. One day the village people came to us, they threw stones at us, and we started to run away. They followed my brother and stoned him to death. The day they attacked us I was injured very badly, it caused permanent damage to my back and I could no longer walk.

So I moved from that village and I started to find places to live homeless under the bridge. I will go every day to begging in the town. Then I would sleep under the bridge. People were very nasty to me many times. They threw stones at me, dogs would bite me, and sometimes people would come and chase me away. But one day I heard about ICII’s leprosy church services, and that I could have a good meal to eat and have medicine for my wounds. When I came, I felt love in this place. Everybody had the same problems as me, but still, they are very happy because of Jesus. I was impressed with all of them. I also accepted Jesus as my Savior. Then I found out about the Promised Land Leprosy Community, and they warmly invited me to come and live there because of my situation. Now I have good care, love, and I have good food every day. I am happily living here.

100% of your monthly gift will go to sponsor a victim of leprosy:

Independent Church in India wants to invite you to sponsor a victim of leprosy. Your sponsorship of only $360 a year or $30 per month (partial sponsorship) or $720 a year or $60 per month (full sponsorship) will help to provide for one leprosy friends food we cannot grow on the land. It will also provide medicine, clothes, personal needs, and will help to keep the Promised Land leprosy community running smoothly.

Here at their new home your leprosy friend will also learn more about Jesus through Bible studies and attending services. You will receive a photo and a testimony card of the leprosy friend that you decide to sponsor. Also each year you will receive a letter from your leprosy friend.

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