Leprosy Colonies

ICII's Ministry In Leprosy Colonies

We Need Your Help!

Residents of leprosy colonies are facing very severe hardship since the COVID-19 pandemic. The residents of most colonies lack sufficient food even during the best of times, and many often must go out and beg in hope of getting enough to eat. Now the colonies are strictly closed, and no one is allowed to leave. Because of the current situation, many leprosy colonies don’t have enough food.

The Promised Land Leprosy Community

Independent Church In India has its own leprosy community which leprosy victims once forsaken and homeless can call home. At the Promised Land Leprosy Community lives are being transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. Through sponsorships, ICII provides healthy food and water, medical needs, clothing, and much more.

ICII's Leprosy Colony Outreaches

Scattered throughout India are hundreds of colonies where those with leprosy are shut away, out of sight and out of contact with society. Many in these colonies have never heard of Jesus even one time. Independent Church In India has long had the vision to reach out to those with leprosy who are living in leprosy colonies with the Gospel message and the love of Jesus Christ.

Our missionary teams have reached over a hundred colonies, hospitals, and villages where those with leprosy live. We have preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, given food, blankets, clothing, and medical care to the residents. We have built wells for safe drinking water. We have planted churches, trained Christian leaders from among the residents to serve their own people. We thank the Lord that many thousands have given their lives to Christ through these outreaches!


Help ICII Reach Out To Leprosy Colonies

New Life Leprosy Colony

Out of the many colonies that Independent Church in India has visited, New Life Leprosy Colony was the most poverty-stricken and desperate. One of our missionaries later shared, “Nothing had prepared me for what I was about to see this time. What I saw that day at this leprosy colony seared the depths of my soul. Living and breathing humans beings with unimaginable disfigurements, hunger, insanity, those who were lame and blind, and others that had been disabled in various ways by the disease of leprosy, with absolutely no hope in this world … they all lived here.”

In spite of all of these problems and miseries, that day that ICII first visited this forsaken colony, the Lord Jesus Christ brought hope to them that they never had before. ICII “adopted” this colony, and our teams have been ministering there even since.

ICII has drilled well, exterminated bloodsucking bugs, brought food, clothing, and medical supplies regularly, and shown Christ’s love to the once forgotten and forsaken residents. Now nearly everyone there believes in Jesus! We have named the colony New Life because of the new life Jesus has brought to them.

 Leprosy Ministry Testimonies