Freedom Project
Freedom From Child Trafficking in India
The Freedom Center Project in India reaches out to dalit children and orphans who are trapped in slavery and to those in danger of being sold as slaves, forced into prostitution, or other heartbreaking and horrifying circumstances in India. ICII's reason for the Freedom Project is to educate the children about the dangers of sex trafficking, forced labor, and other cruel forms of slavery inflicted on the young, and innocent children in India, and to teach them ways to defend themselves against these harmful practices. ICII is currently running eight “Freedom Centers” in different areas in the state of Tamil Nadu where around twenty-five children are able to come and study in classes five evenings a week. These poorly-educated children are learning the fundamentals of reading and writing, and how to avoid those who kidnap children for trafficking. The children also get a rice meal or a hard-boiled egg to give them strength, since most of them have very poor diets. Many of the children have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have a new hope in their lives they never thought was possible before.

"Our Mission is to give hope in Jesus to the hopeless who are at risk of human trafficking around the world..."
Kala's Dream Came True!
"My name is Kala. I was in a village where I had to go to town every day to sell necklaces with my mother. Many times, my family and I would go hungry. We had to sell all our necklaces every day just to be able to eat. Because I worked hard every day, I never went to school. Whenever I saw kids going to school, I would cry to my mother that I wanted to go to school, but she would tell me to work.
"But one day, the pastor came and invited me to the Freedom Center. So I started to go to the Freedom Center every day. They provided me with food every day so that I don’t have to work.
"Now I am going to school happily and learning about Jesus at the Center."
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ICII's TV ministry is a very effective way to bring the Word of God to the unreached and to those who are hungry to learn more. There are many needs we have in order to keep the broadcasts running and new programming available to our growing audience. Below are ways to help meet some urgent needs.
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