TV Broadcast Testimonies

ICII Has Been Broadcasting For Over 3 Years!

Over the past three years since Independent Church in India began to broadcast their word for word Bible videos of John, Mark, Romans, and their video Gospel Tracts in the cable networks in different areas of Tamil Nadu, tens of thousands have watched, heard and called with testimonies of how they became believers in Jesus Christ.

Testimonies from Hindus, Muslims, and other religious sects have testified how the Lord had touched their life in some miraculous ways such as healings, deliverance from committing suicide and or addictions, brought peace to their family life, and much more! This again is living proof that when the power of God’s word is brought to those who are willing to listen, it is truly life-changing! It is also a very fruitful way to bring the word of God and the salvation message of Christ to the masses of people who are illiterate in India.

A New Church Established

Because of  our broadcast ministry, we were able to establish a new church!

Testimonies Of Lives Saved

“My name is Sunder and I heard about Jesus through your TV broadcasts. Because of these broadcasts, I am following Jesus and also my friends are too. My friends and I are watching your program every time it broadcasts. We have also received the Bible from you and we are reading it every day”.

“My name is Sujitha and I am working in a company. I had problems in my workplace so I came back to my home with suicidal thoughts. I turned on the TV and I saw your program. The Bible words comforted me and I change my mind about committing suicide. I even prayed to the Lord for the people who made the problem against me”.

“My name is Krishnan. Throughout my life, I had searched for peace in Hinduism and Muslim and different yogas, but I always felt empty in my heart. One day when I watched your program I came to know that Jesus is the true God and now I am following Jesus”….. Krishnan

“I am an orphan and I am living in a relative’s house. I have bad eyesight. I requested many times my guardian to help me. But they would not help me. One day when I watched your program I prayed”

“My name is Anu and I am from a poor family so I have to live with a bad lifestyle. From my teenage years, my mother made me do prostitution. Now I am 30 years old and I lost my life as an ordinary woman. But one day I watched your program and at the end of the program, you said Jesus will accept anyone and that he can cleanse all our sins. Your program touched my heart through those words. With tears, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Now I am following Jesus. I am no longer doing prostitution.”

“The pastors frequently share that they are very good for illiterate people and through these DVD’s many people are coming to the Lord. Pastor Solomon wants to broadcast these Bible videos on a secular station in the heavily populated city of New Delhi in northern India.”

“One day they were watching ICII’s program and afterward they decided to follow Jesus. The family now testifies. After we received Jesus into our lives, we feel lots of peace and happiness in our family!”

One family was totally devoted to a particular religion, and every year they would even walk on the fire to please their  gods. Even though they were very sincere, they had no peace in their family. One day they were watching ICII’s program and afterward, they decided to follow Jesus. The family now testifies,

“After we received Jesus into our lives, we feel lots of peace and happiness in our family!”

A woman who tutors children in their studies brought children with her to church after watching the TV broadcasts. When she heard the message of salvation she decided to accept Jesus into her life. She then told the children that she tutors to watch the program because it has nice sceneries and they could also listen to God’s word.

“Ten of the children received Christ! The woman is planning to bring the ten children to church each week so they can worship the true God”.

A pastor named Solomon, who received ICII’s DVD’s in the language of Hindi, shared that the DVD’s have been very useful to his ministry. Through the John DVD alone he has had the opportunity to start home Bible studies in ten new remote villages. This same pastor distributed thirty DVD’s to other pastors who speak Hindi, and they all are using them in their churches and Bible studies.


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