Missionaries Who Need Sponsorship
Missionaries Who Need Sponsorship
We have many missionaries who are faithfully doing ministry and reaching the lost though they are struggling in poverty, trying to provide for themselves and their families. They are waiting patiently for someone who can help set them free to do what God has called them to do, by sponsoring them to carry out our Lord's last command, and reach lost souls with the Good News of Christ. Please prayerfully consider choosing one of the missionaries below to be your partner in the Great Commission. You will receive yearly updates with ministry testimonies, news and prayer requests from your selected missionary.
Our indigenous missionaries are supported through ICII's Native Pastors fund. 100% of donations received for our missionaries will go to this fund to provide for missionary support, ministry tools and equipment, urgent medical needs, and more!
Read on to learn about missionaries who are right now prayerfully awaiting sponsorship so they can fully carry out the Lord's calling on their lives.
(For security reasons, faces in the photos below have been concealed and specific locations withheld)

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." - Mark 16:15

Serving in South Asia
Mala travels into remote villages to share the Gospel, lead Bible studies, and do children's ministry. She also serves at ICII’s Home of Compassion Orphanage. Her heart desire is to rescue children from human trafficking.

Serving in South Asia
Anees does personal evangelism in villages as well as ministry among youth, children and bond-enslaved people, and compassionate outreach among the destitute. He has a burden to bring the Gospel to tribal people.

Serving in South Asia
Kowsalya shares the Gospel and organizes Bible studies among children and adults in remote villages. She distribute Gospel tracts and ministers in prayer in the villages, and serves the poor and those with leprosy through medical and food outreaches. Her heart burns for the lost and desires to show God’s love and compassion to others.

Serving in South Asia
Parveez shares the Gospel in remote villages to those who have never heard the name of Jesus. He currently reaches those trapped in slavery with the Gospel. He leads Bible studies in the villages for believers. He distributes Gospel tracts, and he gives Bibles to those who accept Christ or are seeking to know more about Jesus.
More Ways You Can Help
Your donation to ICII's Native Missionary program will help us to train, equip, send, and support indigenous missionaries to bring the Gospel to the unreached, conduct discipleship among new believers, plant churches, minster in the love of Christ to those in desperate need, and much more!. 100% of your donation will be used toward our Native Missionary program.
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