Preaching the Gospel Testimonies

Religious Sect Extremist Comes to the Lord!


Pastor Samuel from northern Tamil Nadu tells: “There was a man named Krishnan who is a religious sect extremist. He teaches about his religious sect to many people in his village. He encourages people that call themselves Christian or Muslim to convert to his religious sect. His job is to go to each village and teach his religious sect and threaten all the Christians who came out from his religion. He challenged me that those who have been converting to Christ through my preaching, he was going to make them convert back to religious sect. So I started to pray for him every day, ‘Lord you have to do a miracle in his life, he needs you’. Every time when we went to ministry, and he saw me, he would warn me, ‘You cannot do ministry anymore here because this area belongs to religious sect.’ One day I fasted and prayed for him, ’Lord, You have to reveal Yourself to him, who You are’.

Later one day  Krishnan came to me with tears and said, ‘I worshipped all my gods and cried out to them to save me, but no god could save me that day. One night, I got a heart attack in the middle of the night and I couldn’t breathe, I could feel that it was the end of my life.

So I began to call on all the gods and also my wife and children began to do religious sect practices over me. They could not take me to the doctor because it is too far away. After ten minutes, I said,

‘Jesus, whom that man named Samuel is preaching, please help me if You are the true God.’ Right away my pain stopped and I could breathe normally! 

In the morning, I went to the doctor and they confirmed I had a heart attack. But Jesus touched me and healed me,  so now I want to follow Jesus’. Krishnan is now preaching many different places with me and is being a mighty witness for the Lord!”

Man Sees a Vision of the Cross


Missionary Peter shared this amazing testimony: “One day I went to a non-christian village where we were preaching the Gospel.  The people didn’t want to listen to the Gospel because they said we don’t know who Jesus is.  We are not going to listen because if we worship any other god our god will kill us.  We will get a lot of sickness among us so you have to leave before our god gets mad and punishes you. I told them if you believe Jesus, he will protect you. They chased us out of the village, but before I left, I requested the non-christian priest of the village to accept a Bible. He received the Bible and said if he has time he will read it.  I came back home and started to pray for this village.

On Saturday of that week, I received a phone call from someone in that village saying their priest wanted to see me.  When I arrived there were 75 people waiting for me to tell them about Jesus!  One night when the priest was reading the Bible, he fell asleep. In a dream, he saw a cross coming toward him and he heard a voice say ‘I am the God of the Bible and you should believe in me’ and then he woke up! So he called all the village people to come to listen to the Gospel.  Now we have a house church in that village!”


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