Then and Now

Sometimes it’s fun to look back at the past and see how God has changed lives for the better. Featured are three of the girls who were rescued from a life of poverty eight years ago and the awesome ways that their lives have transformed since coming to live at the Home of Compassion Orphanage.


Chinnakkal was 8 years old when she came to the orphanage. Her father had died when she was young and her mother had been killed. She had never been to school and spent her days with her nearly blind grandfather who could not provide for her needs. As an outcast, she had no future. Now she is 16 and getting ready to start her final year in High school. Her favorite class this year was accounting. She continues to be a top scorer for her Kabadi team, one of the top teams in Tamil Nadu.

She shares, “Every time I go to school I share the gospel with my friends. This year I even got to share the gospel with another [Kabadi] team that my school was playing against. Two of the other team members accepted the Lord!

Karthika came to the orphanage at the age of 4. Her family was torn apart through violence and she was sent to live with her uncle. With so many of his own children in the house already, her uncle sold her off to be a house slave, required to do whatever work her owners wanted her to do. Nearly a baby, she was forced to beg for food to stay alive. Since coming to live at the orphanage, she has had the opportunity to be a child, to grow up surrounded by other children to play with, to go to school and learn, and to eat three meals a day without having to beg for it.  Though her life started out without any prospects, today she anticipates what God will do in her life as she continues to grow in His grace.

Venila, now 16, was also 8 years old when she came to live at the orphanage. Both her parents abandoned her and her sister, leaving them with their grandmother. While her grandmother worked all day to try to provide for the girls, at a very young age she had to keep the house—carry water, find firewood, cook, clean, etc.—all while caring for her younger sister. She never had the chance to be a child. Today, she is thriving, studying well, and getting ready to finish high school next year. This year her favorite subject was English and she really loves to play chess.

She shares, “I want to be a missionary because many people do not know about Jesus and I want to share the gospel because many people are lost.” Venila is already participating in helping conduct village ministry, Bible studies, and VBS.

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