The Lord has used Pastor Richard to preach the Gospel to over 100,000 village people in India. His burden is to reach the people who have never yet heard the Gospel.
The Lord used Pastor Richard and Pastor Britto to share the Gospel with this group of people who have never heard about the God who loves them. These people are hungry to hear the word of God. This place is called Aandipatti. Please pray for them.
Pastor Richard is preaching the Gospel among Kannada people. His friend is translating his preaching from English to Kannadan.
This place is called Rottai-Medu. God used Pastor Richard and Pastor Britto to lead a young man to the Lord. Through this young man, we can now conduct kids ministry. At this place, many adults also heard the Gospel. The man raising his hands came to know the Lord through one of our scripture boards
In Mattapalai Pastor Richard has a meeting with the youth to share the Gospel. Today we have a small church here as one of our branch churches.
Pastor Richard is preaching the Gospel among the Muslim area. The woman in the picture is translating his preaching into the Arab language. Many Muslim’s hearts were shaken. This day they asked us to pray for rain. The next day God gave a heavy rain and blessed them.
This is a tribal group of people called “Maldo”. Pastor Richard is sitting and fellowshipping with them.
We are praying for more laborers to share the Gospel through personal evangelism in the villages. Many people have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through personal evangelism. Gospel tracts are very effective to share the Gospel because many times they get passed around in the families and villages. Many people have also accepted the Lord through Gospel tracts. We have a vision to translate “Fill the Void” Ministries Gospel tracts in ten different Indian languages (Malayalam, Telugu, Kannadam, Hindi, Assamee, Mizo, Nagami, Marati, Singalam, Arabic) so tracts can be distributed in other Indian states as well. So far the Lord has allowed us to translate in Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu. We also have tracts in English. If the Lord leads you to help us translate or print Gospel tracts please consider donating.