These updates are all from our old website. We thought it would be most effective to compile their content into a single post.
Ministry Among The Blind

Sharing the Gospel with those who are blind living in the city. Nearly forty people who are blind have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord. After the Gospel meeting, the Lord helped us to provide good food for the blind. Some of our church believers are helping us to serve the food.
Praying and ministering to a blind man.
Please pray for these blind people. We are praying to help them with their needs and help them to earn a living for themselves. If the Lord leads you to help with this much-needed ministry. please donate here. Thanks!
Ministry Among Those With Leprosy
We conducted a leprosy camp meeting to preach the Gospel. All these people are afflicted with leprosy. Many of them have a positive attitude, but a few are negative about their disease. They were very interested to hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We would like to continue to preach the Gospel here and provide medicine, clothes and good food, and Bibles at least every three months. If you would like to help – please donate here. Around 250 people with leprosy attended our camp meeting and heard the Gospel.
After we shared the Gospel, many of the people were praying to receive Jesus Christ as their savior.
This is our leprosy ministry at a colony near another city. It takes ten hours by bus to reach them. We would like to meet them very often to share the Gospel and teach them the word of God. Good food is being given to the 250 that had attended the campmeeting.
God has provided ICII to give good biriyani (food) to those with leprosy. This is the best food many of them are getting their whole life. Our team served food to those with leprosy. Please pray for these people. Pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of those who do not know Him. Pray for all the new believers who have received our Lord that they would be strengthened in the faith. Pray for their healing. Please pray that God will continue to use us to preach the Gospel to them and to also provide medicine, clothes, and bed sheets for their cool season. If the Lord would lead you to help provide for this much-needed ministry, please donate here.
Moved With Compassion “New Life” Leprosy Colony Project
Your help is needed! Only you can make a difference!
We have decided to name this colony “New Life” because its original name was the name of a deity in another religion. Since most of the residents living at this colony have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior it is indeed “New Life” for them spiritually. We also want to make a difference in their physical lives also and stop the suffering! Since this colony is basically in need of everything, we thought the best place to start would be for sufficient food and medical needs. We want to help the New Life leprosy colony become more self-sufficient.
Immediate needs: sufficient food and medical needs for around 140 to 150 residents:
1). Medicine/bandages – $300 per month
2). Water well and pump for healthy drinking water and to irrigate agriculture. (Estimated cost to build this well is $4000) – This is much more than digging a well for drinking water, it is also for watering fields so they can do some agriculture to help feed themselves. The colony has many acres of land but no way to grow crops because of lack of water and no resources to get plants or seeds. Also in the near future, the government is widening the road near the colony and and this will destroy the well from which they are getting drinking water now. When this happens, even drinking water will be scarce and they may have to drink contaminated water which will cause more suffering. We want to drill a large well that can supply both drinking water and enough water to enable them to grow their own vegetables and fruit to eat.
3). Agriculture – Rent a tractor to plow the land, and then buy seeds and fruits trees to get their farming started. (estimated cost $500).
4). Rice and vegetables – to be provided to help the hunger until the agriculture plan is established. (It will cost approx. $700 to provide rice and vegetables for one meal per day for the whole colony per month).
5). Exterminator – to get rid of the parasite insects in their rooms. In the rooms of these people there are insects that torment them making it hard to sleep. They are some kind of blood-sucking insects and there are thousands of egg sacks on the walls of the rooms. (estimated cost $600).
6). Karigiri Leprosy Team Medical outreach – we will invite the Christian medical team from the Christian hospital in Karigiri to come and do checkups for the patients, and to get the vision-impaired eyes fixed. (We have to pay the transportation and food for the medical team to come. We may have to pay some of the medical treatment depending on what it is. The hospital will do some work freely if the patient can get there). Then we want to take those with vision impairment to get their eyes operated on. Many of the people have leprosy-related eye problems that can be corrected.
The New Life Colony leprosy outreach is part of ICII’s “Moved With Compassion” Project
“And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.” – Mark 1:40-41
Jesus was moved with compassion when He looked upon the man with leprosy who was kneeling before Him, and He touched him. The purpose of the “Moved With Compassion” Project is to reach out and touch the hopeless, suffering, and neglected victims in the many leprosy colonies and villages throughout Tamil Nadu and all over India. It will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them, and help provide for medical needs, food and clean water, clothing, shelter, and much more. Most important of all, the project will bring them the Good News of Christ, eternal hope, and the compassion of Jesus.
Donate Online through PayPal to the New Life Leprosy Colony Project!