Children's Ministry
Of Such Is The Kingdom ...
Children’s ministry is a vital part of reaching remote villages in India with the Gospel.
For many years, during the months of April and May (summer break time for India's school students), Independent Church In India has made it our goal to reach thousands of children each year through our Vacation Bible School. Our teams go out into the most remote villages and gather children for five consecutive days of songs, games, fun activities, and most importantly, learning about the Lord Jesus Christ, through Bible teaching and our own VBS books. The meetings are held in our churches, or often right in the village street.
VBS is a very effective way to evangelize new villages. Often, the children who received Jesus while attending VBS share the Gospel with their parents, and they also accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. ICII missionaries, many of whom have sponsors, must work very hard to reach so many villages. Often the villages are in far tribal areas, making it a very difficult task to get to these people.
Also, April and May are India's summer months, and for those who have no motorbike, walking the long distances is very demanding in the drenching, scorching heat. Yet they are determined to reach the children with the love of Jesus Christ. Many of these children have accepted Christ and are very excited to follow Him, and are doing an incredible job of telling others of what Christ has done for them during this VBS.

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14
Recent Ministry News
Independent Church in India (ICII) has a heart to reach children in the tribes and remote areas of India with the love and salvation message of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Each year, ICII's native pastors and missionaries travel into hundreds of remote villages and tribal areas, gathering children on the streets who had never heard the Gospel message. For five days, the children learn about Jesus through ICII’s own VBS books. The children learn the Word of God through Bible reading, memory verses, songs and fun activities. They receive New Testaments which they can take home and share with their families. Each year, thousands of children believe in Jesus Christ through the teachings, bringing a light into the darkness of their homes and villages.
Paralyzed Girl Gets Healed and Her Family Accepts the Lord: “My name is Bovana. I was paralyzed from childhood. My family did everything to heal me, but nothing worked. I was very sad because I couldn't walk like other children. When I came to the VBS the teachers shared the Gospel with me and asked me to believe in Jesus to heal me, and with faith they prayed for me every day during the whole week. I started to feel better, and by end of the week, I could walk again! Now I and my whole family are following Jesus!”
ICII is so very thankful to be able to plant the fruitful seed of the Gospel in the hearts and lives of the younger generations.
"Children received New Testaments and learned songs and memory verses. Thousands of children believed in Jesus Christ through the teachings, bringing a light into the darkness of their homes and villages."
Specific Ways You Can Help
Help us reach out to children with the love of Jesus. Your donation will help to bring them the Gospel, discipleship, food, clothing, medical care, and much more! 100% of donations to this program will be used for outreach to the children.
Donate for VBS Study Books
Donate for New Testaments
Donate for Bible Study Discipleship Books
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