One of the most amazing things about working with our native team members in India is realizing how much God has given them direction, determination and sold-out hearts to work diligently for the kingdom for God in every situation, even those that most of us would call a significant hardship, and turn it around to use it for His glory. Among our fellowship of laborers in the harvest field, there are a number who are blind, yet they are faithfully preaching, pastoring, and sharing the Gospel very effectively with others. Rather than being discouraged, they have committed their lives to serving God with whatever abilities they have, and God is using them powerfully, especially among others in India who are blind.

One of our ministry leaders, Pastor Samuel, has been overseeing and coordinating a ministry to blind people in the state of Tamil Nadu. During the Covid lockdowns many blind people were severely impacted, having been left jobless and starving. Pastor Samuel has organized a remarkable and effective Gospel team of blind evangelists. Besides local outreach, the group travels to different states to preach the Gospel. God has been using this team to share the Gospel and to minister to many who are struggling during this pandemic.
One of the most amazing things about working with our native team members in India is realizing how much God has given them direction, determination and sold-out hearts to work diligently for the kingdom for God in every situation, even those that most of us would call a significant hardship, and turn it around to use it for His glory. Among our fellowship of laborers in the harvest field, there are a number who are blind, yet they are faithfully preaching, pastoring, and sharing the Gospel very effectively with others. Rather than being discouraged, they have committed their lives to serving God with whatever abilities they have, and God is using them powerfully, especially among others in India who are blind.
One of our ministry leaders, Pastor Samuel, has been overseeing and coordinating a ministry to blind people in the state of Tamil Nadu. During the Covid lockdowns many blind people were severely impacted, having been left jobless and starving. Pastor Samuel has organized a remarkable and effective Gospel team of blind evangelists. Besides local outreach, the group travels to different states to preach the Gospel. God has been using this team to share the Gospel and to minister to many who are struggling during this pandemic.
Through ICII’s supporters we were able to hold a pastors’ seminar especially designed for those in ministry who are blind, and we invited fifteen blind pastors and their spouses. The seminar included an encouraging message from the Word of God, a time of ministry, and a good meal. A whole month’s supply of rice and other food were provided for them to take home. Pastor Rathnam shares, “ I have been doing ministry in villages where 200 blind people are living. I am also a part of an evangelism team in my area where we rent a van and go to many villages to play music and sing songs about Jesus and share the Word of God. But after the Covid epidemic hit I felt very discouraged that I was unable to get out of my house to share about Jesus. For a while my wife and I and our children were struggling for food every day. But one day, [ICII’s] Pastor Samuel invited me to this meeting and they provided my needs for a whole month. Also we had a very encouraging prayer and worship time with all other blind pastors. God’s Word encouraged me so much and reminded me that he never leaves His servants to suffer in this season. Thank you so much for providing my family’s needs.”
ICII has a burden to raise missionary sponsorships for these fifteen blind pastors and their families so they can preach the Gospel full time without worrying about how to get their next meal.