Kannan, a shepherd boy, told his testimony: “I take care of fifty sheep in my village. When I was five years old my parents died, so someone took me in and made me their slave. They gave me sheep to take care of every day. I never went to school. I never had a chance to play with other children. One day in that remote village when I was taking care of my owner’s sheep,
was sitting under a tree, and two men were teaching children about Jesus nearby. So while the sheep were in the field, I also sat with the other kids to listen. All my life, I thought that either there was no god in this world, or that He didn’t love me, because He took my parents from me. But these men were teaching about Jesus, so I learned a lot about Him. I started to feel that there is meaning and purpose in my life, so I accepted Jesus through that VBS. Now when I take care of the sheep, I worship Jesus and sing songs about Him. I feel very happy that Jesus will change my life and give me joy in living for Him. I love Jesus!”