Our Mission
Our mission is to reach those in desperate need, lost souls, and lead them to Jesus Christ.

What We Do
Independent Church in India’s mission is to reach the lost souls and lead them to Jesus, and to bring help and hope to those who are in desperate need in India. We are dedicated to reaching the most remote villages and tribes in India where there are souls that have never even once heard the name of Jesus. We show Christ’s love through compassionate relief to those who are needy and broken, outcasts, untouchables, orphans, the persecuted, and much more.
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Our Ministries And Programs

Missionary Program
ICII’s native missionaries take the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ very seriously, as He commanded in Mark 16:15: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Our missionaries go into the villages where they are planting churches, conducting Bible studies, and doing children’s ministry in hundreds of villages every week to teach new believers the Word of God. We are conducting Bible schools, leading teams in the field, and coordinating a monthly sponsorship program to help support native missionaries full-time. ICII's Gospel teams have reached thousands of villages in India, and have given out hundreds of thousands of Gospel tracts and tens of thousands of Bibles.

Outreach Programs
Independent Church in India's pastors and missionaries go out into the remote villages to preach the Gospel, reach leprosy colonies, do children’s ministry, and work among those who are homeless, blind or deaf. They are rescuing victims of human trafficking, helping those who are persecuted for faith in Christ, starting Bible studies and home churches, praying for the sick and needy, and reaching out to the poorest of the poor with food, clothing, medical, and other urgent needs.
Ministries to the Impoverished
Independent Church in India's Gospel teams reach out in the compassion of Christ with food and clothing and other needs to leprosy victims, widows, the homeless, orphans, the disabled, the persecuted, and those who are blind or deaf. ICII has two orphanages in India that have rescued children from human-trafficking, leprosy colonies, and other miserable conditions. They currently have started Freedom Schools for children trapped in slavery. We has our own home for leprosy victims who had been forsaken and left heartbroken on the streets to die alone, but now have a loving, Christ-centered home where they are always welcome.

TV Ministry
Independent Church in India operates a cable TV channel called Living Hope TV, Our programs are reaching as many as 1.5 million viewers. We are now broadcasting the Word of God round the clock. It is currently the only Christian channel in our area reaching the unreached villages. Living Hope TV is going into these villages, even those that are closed to the preaching of the Gospel, and bringing them the light of the Word of God.

Where We Work

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